
乏人問津的美男子--Edouard Dermit (二):其人其事

雜 | Miranda(Smog)

《奧菲斯的遺囑(Le testament d'Orphée)》是尚考克多的遺作,也是愛德華出演尚考克多所執導的最後一部片。




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Monday, 29 May 1995 
西元一九九五年 五月 二十九號 星期一

雜 | Miranda(Smog)

In early 1947, when Jean Cocteau started to live at Milly-la-Foret, in the house where he was to die nearly 20 years later, he met a young gardener, the sensationally handsome Edouard Dermit, who was destined to play a leading part in his life and work.

一九四七年初期,當尚考克多開始定居於Milly-la-Forêt (他在此住了二十年,直到他去世為止)時,他遇到了一個年輕的園丁--驚為天人的大帥哥(XD...):愛德華德米( Edouard Dermit)!!!這個大帥哥,注定要在尚考克多的人生中與作品裡,扮演著非常重要的角色。

雜 | Miranda(Smog)

愛德華德米(Edouard Dermit)與尚考克多(Jean Cocteau)。


Dermit was 22 when he first encountered Cocteau. He was the son of a Lorraine miner, and Edouard too worked in the iron mines, developing the magnificent physique that Cocteau was to reveal to the world in three of his greatest films, Les Enfants Terribles (1949), Orphee (1950) and Le Testament d'Orphee (1959). His name in this last of Cocteau's films was Segeste, but he had been baptised Antoine, and Edouard was a name given him by his mother, popularly shortened to Doudou. Segeste was the name of one of Cocteau's angels in his early poem "L'Ange Heurtebise."

正當愛德華二十二歲的時候,他初次與尚考克多相遇。他是洛林區礦工的兒子,愛德華本身也在鐵礦場辛勤工作,因此造就了他健美的體格,尚考克多也將他那完美的身形,藉由三部最重要的電影,展示於眾人--這三部包括了《恐怖的孩子們(1949)》、《奧菲斯(1950)》、《奧菲斯的遺囑(1959)》。在尚考克多的最後的那幾部電影中,愛德華所扮演的角色的名字叫作Segeste,而Segeste則是尚考克多初期的詩作《天使Heurtebise(L'Ange Heurtebise)」裡其中一個天使的名字。又附帶一提,他本身是被命名為安端(Antoine),然後「愛德華」這名字是他老媽取的,最常被縮短稱呼為「多多」(喔好可愛的名字...)

The poet entrusted the direction of Les Enfants Terribles to Jean-Pierre Melville, and Dermit gives a fine restrained performance as Paul, playing opposite Nicole Stephane as his sister Elizabeth. This memorable performance by an unknown actor, carefully coached by Cocteau and sensitively directed by Melville, was a sensation. The beautiful lighting and the haunting music by Georges Auric added to the film's spell.

 詩人尚考克多將《恐怖的孩子們》的執導工作交給了尚‧皮耶‧維爾梅爾,愛德華則將保羅這備受壓抑的角色,詮釋得極佳,妮可史蒂芬妮扮演片中姊姊的角色。這部電影藉由沒沒無聞的演員演出、尚考克多完備的訓練以及維爾梅爾細膩的執導,令人印象深刻,簡直是轟動一時。由Georges Auric負責片中配樂,更為這部片增添不少色彩。

Dermit's beauty was again displayed to artistic effect by Cocteau in Orphee, which also had music by Auric. As in Les Enfants Terribles, Dermit was surrounded by well-known artists - Jean Marais, Maria Casares and Francois Perier, with Juliette Greco in a small part. But such was his natural dignity, physical charm and magnetic personality, he shone with a special magic among all those seasoned professionals.

愛德華的俊美,經由藝術性的效果,一再透過《奧菲斯》展示於世人,這部片同樣也由Georges Auric配樂。 正如同《恐怖的孩子們》,在《奧菲斯》裡頭,愛德華被數個知名演員圍繞著-- 包括Jean Marais、Maria Casares、Francois Perier,Juliette Greco客串演出。愛德華有著天生的莊重、體態上的魅力以及迷人的性格,在這群資深的演員旁,他好似帶著一股魔力,發光發亮著。

Edouard Dermit excelled himself in Cocteau's last film, Le Testament d'Orphee. He plays a young poet, Segeste, who leads the poet Cocteau away from the questions asked by the tribunal at the end of Orphee. Segeste had died in the earlier film, and he returns here as the older poet's guardian. Most of the film was shot in Les Baux-de-Provence, which is perched high on a hill. The entrance to Les Baux is called le val d'enfer (the Valley of Hell) because Dante once lived there and there is a local belief that it inspired several scenes in the Inferno. Much of the film is set in the nearby white chalk grottoes of Les Baux. Cocteau had hoped to make a film there of Racine's Britannicus, starring Jean Marais, but it never came to fruition.


 第三部曲大都是在「Les Baux-de-Provence」(嗯..普羅旺斯的石頭城or勒波城)的山丘拍攝[註1]。要進入石頭城的入口,則被稱為「地獄的山谷」,因為但丁曾經住在這裡,又傳說但丁曾在此處有過不少《地獄篇》[註2]的靈感。 大部分的場景都設定在石頭城附近的白堊壁窟進行拍攝。

考克多曾經打算製作一部電影「there of Racine's Britannicus」,由 Jean Marais主演,但後來從沒實現過。

Cocteau had soon discovered Dermit's gifts as a painter, and taught him all he knew about the techniques of art. When he died in 1963, Cocteau left many drawings and sketches, and these his adopted son was able to use in order to complete his master's work there.


Edouard Dermit married and had two sons, Jean and Stephane. Jacqueline Picasso and Jean Marais were the godmother and godfather of the former, while Francine Weissweiler and Pierre Berge fulfilled these duties for the second. Along with Jean Marais, Dermit took care of Cocteau's artistic heritage, and continued to develop his own gifts as an artist.

愛德華德米後來結了婚,有了兩個兒子--尚與史蒂芬尼。畢卡索的老婆與尚馬萊是尚的教母與教父,Francine Weissweiler與Pierre Berge則是史蒂芬尼的教母與教父。愛德華一同與尚馬萊保存尚考克多的遺產,愛德華本身也發展他本身身為畫家的天分。


※註1:關於「Les Baux-de-Provence」(普倫旺斯的石頭城) ,可參考此處--http://blog.xuite.net/jessica.jiang/blog/23201049

※註2:但丁(Dante Alighieri,1265年-1321年9月14日)的長詩《神曲》(La Divina Commedia)寫於1307年至1321年。全詩為三部分--《地獄(Inferno)

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