
Joseph Gordon-Levitt確定將演出「蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士的崛起」(The Dark Knight Rises)

多麼振奮人心的消息啊!(儘管這已經傳了很久了)Joseph Gordon Levitt將會演出「蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士的崛起」(The Dark Knight Rises)。

Joseph Gordon-Levitt In Talks To Join ‘The Dark Knight Rises’
Posted on Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 by Peter Sciretta

Deadline has confirmed something that has been suspected for some time – Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in talks to reunite with his Inception director Christopher Nolan in The Dark Knight Rises. No one knows what role he will play, but rumor sites have been suspecting that Hugo Strange is part of the threequel story. Before there was even a screenplay, the rumor-mill pegged Levitt as The Riddler… but that seems too obvious a choice for Nolan. Other early rumors had JGL replacing the departed Heath Ledger as The Joker, but Nolan has gone on record saying that The Joker would not be recast and or appear in the new film. Also, with Bane and Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman) already announced, it seems unlikely that the film would involve a third villain.


Deadline上面的最新報導,確定了之前曾經被質疑一陣子的消息--喬瑟夫戈登‧李維在訪談中宣布,他將會與全面啟動導演克里斯多夫諾蘭於「黑暗騎士的崛起」再度合作。沒有人知道喬瑟夫將會扮演哪一個角色,然而謠傳Hugo Strange可能是第三集的角色之一。之前還沒有劇本的時候,謠言甚至說定喬瑟夫將會成為謎天大聖,不過,這很明顯也是克里斯的選擇之一。更早以前還傳出喬瑟夫將會取代希斯萊傑,演出小丑一角,不過克里斯本人指出,小丑將不會在他的新作中被其他人重新飾演,也不會出現在他的新作中。

另外,自從Bane與Selina Kyle(貓女)被宣布是第三集的反派角色以後,「黑暗騎士的崛起」看起來不太可能會再出現第三個反派。


<p.s>目前IMDB上公布的卡司,可確定安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)演出貓女,而曾在全面啟動中演出偽裝者的Tom Hardy將演出Bane。




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